Nutzungsbedingungen »
Terms of use
Please accept my terms of use. If you make money with my templates, be so fair and buy a Commercial Licence »
It is not allowed to relay the plugins or to provide the plugins for download.
All rights reserved by
The following terms of license apply to all templates and plugins, they are not explicitly marked as freeware.
If you want to use my templates and plugins for a commercial Website, you have to buy a Commercial Licence.
Commercial Websites are all Sites published to make money and all Sites with payed commercials like banners, google-adsense etc.
Commercial License Templates (CLT):
80 EUR netto (+ 19% VAT)
Commercial License Plugins (CLP):
120 EUR netto (+ 19% VAT)
Commercial License General (CLG):
180 EUR netto (+ 19% VAT)
The General License allows you, to use all templates and plugins from in one (1) CMSimple installation.
For Webdesigners, using my templates and plugins for Customer websites, special offers for template- und plugin licenses are available.
Please contact me per e-mail, you will get a link to the special offers for webdesigners and web agencies.
The free usage of my plugins on non-commercial websites is possible against an acknowledgement (eg on a Legal Notices page) with a link to, example:
We use the following plugins:
FotoPro, PhotoBoxes and MailForms from
To use my templates on private pages and websites of schools and charitable organizations, there are 2 license models available:
For private Websites you may use all downloadable templates for free, if you let the template-link, on every page clearly visible, in your template:
If you want to use my templates on a private Website without template- or plugin-link, you have to buy a Remove Link Licence for every CMSimple-Installation are using my templates or one of my plugins, please contact me per e-mail.
Remove Link License Templates (RLT):
29,75 EUR incl. 19% MWSt
If you modify a template to your liking, for example change the header image, you can modify the template link as follows:
Template: modified by your link